Friday, May 1, 2009

Neck Brew

I woke up earlyish today, still have not called Marilyn back. Ate some food, took a total of 200mg 5-htp. The wind brewed the day, and I plucked around the garden for a bit. Smoked some herbs yesterday, and also a little today around noon. Played some guitar. Felt somewhat edgy during midday. Maybe pressure breaks my thread legs. Smoked two cigarettes with Garrett, whilst he necked some freshman produce. I have a cigarette saved for tomorrow morning. We're supposed to hang out with Nate and Joey tomorrow night, which would be a nice way to say hello to my last weekend here for a while. I only have a week til I leave, and I'm sorry I have to leave the garden. I hope things take care of themselves.

spin for their sake,
the trees dancing at midnight
pining to fly from their roots

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