Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Frog Fuck

Drank 40s with Garrett up on the ol'road Monday night. He had his girlfriend there, so it was mediocre. I scored some T-3s which I downed today. I went and saw Mike for a bit, then went up into the woods with him and my brother. My buzz was short lived, I should have saved all four for today, but when I'm drunk I can be impatient. It was an experiment after all. I only took 100mg of 5-htp today, after skipping my morning dose. I hung out with Garrett for a bit, and then went and visited Nicole with him. Me and Nicole aren't so fond of his girlfriend, and we told him so - which put him into silent mode. There is certainly some things I'll never get about him, and some things which'll never change about him. I'm taking an Ativan tonight before bed, because I'm feeling very anxious about leaving Friday. Who knows why.

like a tadpole
we all grow old

we sprout our adult legs
and cut off our kid tails

learn to jump ahead in life
forget how to swim

we take each new limb
try to forget old strife
search for a new wife
to lay new eggs
in whatever
goddamn puddle
we please

because whether by crane
or crow
man or
our last croak comes
whenever it may goddamn

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