Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lazy by Accord

Up around eleven, I had some leftover 'pizza' for brunch and took my 5-htp. I ate the last of some spice and cheese bread with some hummus and sprouts and cheese, and went and hung out with Mike for most of the day. We went into the woods and I smoked a cigarette. Came down and hung around, I ate some more leftover 'pizza' and took another 5-htp. We went back to his house and hung out until my mum called and I went home. I ate the last of the 'pizza' for dinner and took my evening 5-htp, then went for a hike with my mum in the woods before it became too dark. I smoked two cigarettes in the evening, and only have a handful left. My mum had my phone all day, and it turns out I missed a call early in the morning from non-other than Marilyn. She left a sweet message, and it is funny because I have been thinking much about her and Tiffany. I keep telling myself when I feel just right I will write to them - I wanted to maybe send them each a dinosaur postcard. It is going on two months, tomorrow will have been two months since I was admitted to the ward. What a tumble weed this season has been. By any accord, lazy days lay ahead. Next month I will probably go to California and visit some relatives, we'll see.

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