Drank too much wine, maybe ate too late. I had trouble falling asleep last night, but woke up very early. By about eight I was awake. I had a silver dollar pancake, and also some pesto pasta fried with an egg - I took a 5-htp. It was going to be a warm day, so I went outside and plucked weeds from the garden for a while. I took some photos too, of a spider in the garden, of green growing out of the dirt. While petting Monster I felt a bump, and with a pair of tweezers plucked a giant tick off her back. What the heck, cat.
We got our furnace fixed, on the cheap. I hung out with Mike for a bit, ate some pasta shells for lunch, and then went up to the woods to burn some reed tufts with a magnifying glass. There were insects which looked like ticks crawling all over, so we left sooner than later. I played some video games with Mike, and then went home and ate some dinner. We had homemade lo-mien, and a glass of wine. I got a call from Sharisa, so I went and met her up at the university. She's practically what I remember from two years ago. We met in front of the library, and then took a bus to her dorm. We talked for a while, while I tuned her guitar. Majors and life directions, habits and rituals. She wants to study script writing, which I didn't know the university offered. Not to an effective degree. Eventually we took the bus back to the main campus and visited her friend, hung out there for a while and had smoothies. I haven't had a smoothie since I left the gym. Finally we walked back to my car and I drove her to her dorm and dropped her off. I told her to give me a call sometime again.
I picked up a coffe at Burger King for my brother on the way back. I didn't fill up his gas tank though. I ate a little pesto pasta around nine thirty, and took another 5-htp. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight.
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