Monday, March 15, 2010

jet planes in march

for any man who needed rest
where for soothing solace did he seek?

he desired not to stare among the stars
for he left them to console the starmaker

instead he selected from the stars a
pattern, and journeyed to the starmaker
to request for it a name

along his journey to the starmaker
the stars changed, and so it seemed
his solace would never find him

but the starmaker had a secret:
as sewer of the stars, so had he sewn
each man, and as sewer of stars
and of men, his consolation was not the stars
nor was it man

the starmaker needed no console
for he had given consolation to the stars
and from the stars man had received the starmaker's inheritance

the choice was given to man:
choose from among every star just one pattern
and give it your name freely
that you may find your console

for the weary man who finds himself
among the changing stars
searching for his solace
consider that the starmaker made these stars
so that they may be your solace,
their names you will already know
if the solace you find among the stars
was solace meant for you

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Magnitude 88

under the weight of a snowflake
the earth's shadow glides down among
sails glowing green

dreamers sing songs for traveling mercies
and crews cast off, riding up, into, and above
the shadow so bright

as the last snowflake lands on the darkest night, so lands
the sun's tide upon the earth's darkest faces
in a crash neon light fills and consumes
man ever more